Auntie Pam and Harley

My best girl Pam is coming for the weekend.  I’m totally psyched.  We’ll hit up the mall and generally have a blast.  She is Harley’s Auntie Pam and he LOVES her.  When I say LOVE I mean it.  He takes this love of Pam quite seriously.   Harley knows the term “Auntie Pam” so when we tell him she’s coming he waits for her to arrive, watching through the window.  Once she gets to the house the barking starts.  Very loud, annoying, yelping sort of barking.  This continues until she picks him up and cuddles him, at which point Harley releases an exasperated sigh and gives me a look like, “My life is sooooo hard, thank god she’s here to save me.”  Yes Harley, your life is indeed difficult.  What with all the cuddling and extra treats you get everyday, and the constant belly rubs, I have no doubt you suffer unduly.  Mick and I are the ridiculous, stupid, childless couple that take our dog everywhere.  He comes with us to get ice cream treats (the ice cream is for me and Mick…. not Harley) He has a special carry case to come into our local stop and shop and we bring him to our parents all the time, they love their grand-dog.  When we do leave him home on the rare occasion that it inappropriate to bring him along somewhere (IE: out to eat at a fancy restaurant, which we almost never do) we worry that he is home missing us and lonely.  The truth of the matter is he is most likely stretched out on the futon, or baking himself in the sunlight of our back window thanking god we left him alone for a few precious moments of peace and relaxation.  I guess constantly being told your adorable and being snuggled all the time is very exhausting. 


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